[35] Ubuntu Samba Server Install Guide with Apple Time Machine Support

The guide or steps used in this tutorial can be found in the YouTube description section of the video guide.

This guide was done as a response to a request by one of our YouTube subscribers to create a tutorial on how to install the samba server role that supports Apple Time Machine on Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS. The request came after they watched a similar tutorial we did based on openSUSE 15.2 Leap.

[33] CCTV and NVR Solution Installation Guide for Ubuntu 20.04 Linux!

In this guide we show you how to install a CCTV and NVR Solution on Ubuntu Linux! The software used is Shinobi. We have installed this at multiple client stores to monitor stock and general security.

Text Guide used in this tutorial: https://hendgrow.com/ugs/HendGrow_CCTV_Text_Guide.txt

For more information visit – https://shinobi.video/

Trademarks and related content are owned by their respective owners /companies.

Disclaimer – https://www.hendgrow.com/disclaimer/

FrontAccounting – How to guide for Ubuntu 20.04

In this guide we show you how to install FrontAccounting. An accounting package we use and have installed for many clients. It is a Web based Accounting system that is simple and powerful accounting system for the entire ERP chain. FrontAccounting is free and released under the GNU General Public License.

----------Guide Start----------

FrontAccounting - Install Guide

Apache & SQL Database server

sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils php-mysql php7.4 php7.4-gd php7.4-curl php7.4-zip php7.4-xml php7.4-mbstring mariadb-server mariadb-client

SQL user and DB Preparation

sudo mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'fadbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpasswordhere';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON fadb.* TO 'fadbuser'@'localhost';

Secure DB

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Download the frontaccounting software

Open Browser and navigate to and download the file.  https://sourceforge.net/projects/frontaccounting/

Open Terminal change dir to Downloads and extract the file:

cd Downloads
sudo tar -zxvf frontaccounting-2.4.9.tar.gz

Create sub folder and move extract 

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/fa
sudo mv frontaccounting /var/www/html/fa

Set Permissions
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/fa
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/fa

sudo systemctl enable apache2
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Open Web browser and navigate to http://localhost/fa/frontaccounting and follow the onscreen install instructions.
----------Guide End---------- 

The HendGrow Minecraft Experiment

The HendGrow Minecraft Experiment This is a quick tutorial on how to connect and play on our open Minecraft server. Keep in mind this is open Anarchy / Survival server. This means that anything goes in regards to playing on this server.

The Minecraft server will be available for the foreseeable future dependant on demand.

Minecraft: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition

Raspberry Pi with (OMV) openmediavault – How To-

(Including Apple Time Machine Support, Enabling Network Backups) 

Walk-through of how to install a NAS based on (OMV) openmediavault on a Raspberry Pi. Best features for us is the ability to create a SMB share that has Apple Time Machine support. This enables us to backup all our Mac machines 🖥 / 💻 using time machine to the network. No more usb drives.

Walk Through Guidehttps://hendgrow.com/ugs/RaspberryPi_OMV_WT.pdf


Walk-through of how to install a NAS based on (OMV) openmediavault on a Raspberry Pi. Best features for us is the ability to create a SMB share that has Apple Time Machine support. This enables us to backup all our Mac machines 🖥 / 💻 using time machine to the network. No more usb drives.


Raspbian: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/

Openmediavault: https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers


$ sudo raspi-config

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

$ wget https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/installScript/raw/master/install

$ chmod +x install

$ sudo ./install


How To Install NAS Using (OMV) openmediavault. (Apple Time Machine Support, Enables Network Backups)

Walk-through of how to install NAS based on (OMV) openmediavault. We use this as it is simple to get up and running and use. Best feature for us is the ability to create a SMB share that has Apple Time Machine support. This enables us to backup all our Mac machines 🖥 / 💻 using time machine to the network. No more usb drives.

URL for openmediavault download – https://www.openmediavault.org/download.html

Posted in NAS

OSSEC Open Source HIDS with Web user interface. (updated for Ubuntu 20.04 & OSSEC 3.6.0)

—Start Here—

Update the system.

Assuming you have an existing Ubuntu server setup. 

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install some base applications

sudo apt install -y php php-cli php-common libapache2-mod-php apache2-utils sendmail inotify-tools apache2 build-essential gcc make wget tar zlib1g-dev libpcre2-dev libpcre3-dev unzip libz-dev libssl-dev libpcre2-dev libevent-dev build-essential

Enable rewrite, Apache & Start Apache.

sudo systemctl enable apache2

sudo systemctl start apache2

sudo a2enmod rewrite

sudo systemctl restart apache2

OSSEC Server Install

wget https://github.com/ossec/ossec-hids/archive/3.6.0.tar.gz

sudo tar -xvzf 3.6.0.tar.gz

sudo /home/hgadmin/ossec-hids-3.6.0/install.sh

Note: Provide your preferred input as prompted. For the demo we opted for the below:

Image of the inputs we selected for the demo

Input your servers IP address or hostname (FQDN)

Installing the Web User Interface.

cd /tmp/

sudo git clone https://github.com/ossec/ossec-wui.git

sudo mv /tmp/ossec-wui /var/www/html

cd /var/www/html/ossec-wui

When prompted enter your chosen username and password. For the web server name enter www-data.

Set the permissions

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/ossec-wui/

sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/ossec-wui/

Restart Apache and launch Web User Interface

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Open a web browser and navigate to http://your-servers-ip/ossec-wui

Windows Agent Install

Download the OSSEC agent from – https://updates.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/windows/ossec-agent-win32-3.6.0-12032.exe

Open the command prompt and ssh to your ossec server.

ssh hgadmin@

Launch the OSSEC Agent Manager once connected to your server.

sudo /var/ossec/bin/manage_agents

Input option (A) to add a new agent. Input your windows machines name when prompted.

Input the windows machines IP when prompted and confirm adding with responding (y)

On the target Windows desktop. Launch the executable agent file you have downloaded as administrator. Should be in your downloads folder.

Open the OSSEC agent as administrator that you installed and enter the IP address of your OSSEC server.

Open the command prompt window that you used to ssh to the OSSEC server. Extract the Key by inputting option (e) and then the corresponding Agent ID for the windows machine in the OSSEC Agent Manager that should still be open.

Highlight and copy the key, update the OSSEC Agent. Save the updated info and start the OSSEC Agent.

Open your web browser and navigate to your OSSEC Servers IP and specific port if you set one.

—– Guide Ends Here —–

How to install QRadar CE 7.3.3. via the OVA file provided by IBM.

During this walk-through we will demonstrate how in download and install QRadar CE 7.3.3. via the OVA file provided by IBM. QRadar CE is a fully-featured free version of QRadar that includes a limited 50 events per second (EPS) & 5000 network flows a minute (FPS) perpetual license. It is the perfect solution to start learning QRadar or use it to monitor your home network.

*Q1 LABS, QRADAR and the ‘Q’ Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corp. Trademarks and related content are owned by their respective companies / owners.

QRadar 733 Steps

1. Download the OVA from – https://developer.ibm.com/qradar/ce/

2. Double click on the OVA file you just downloaded to kick of the import to VirtualBox.

3. Initial login. User = root. / Password = password

4. When prompted enter your chosen password and confirm for the password change.

5. Type in ./setup.sh to kick off the install.

6. Accept the terms by pressing Enter.

7. Enter password of your choice for the web interface.

8. Open a compatible web browser and input the IP of your QRadar CE Server, In our example – “”

Urls used




How To Secure & Install MariaDB On Ubuntu Desktop 20.04


Follow this guide to install and start securing MariaDB on Ubuntu desktop 20.04.

  1. Update Ubuntu 20.04 and install MariaDB Server.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

  1. Secure the MariaDB installation by running the included security script.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Press Enter


You will be prompted to set a root password. Input Y and input the new password for root and validate it.

Set root password

The Next prompt will ask if you want to remove anonymous users. Input Y


Prompt will request input to disallow remote root login. Input Y

Prompt will request input to remove the test database and access. Input Y

test db remove

Last prompt will request input to reload the privilege tables. Input Y

Last Prompt

Login to the MariaDB server and confirm its running.

sudo mariadb

Enter the password you decided on for root during the first prompt.

Login MariaDB

Create user to access DB other than root.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘sqladmin’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password_here’;




You should always harden your servers.

Some useful links:

Secure your MariaDB installation – https://mariadb.com/kb/en/securing-mariadb/

Ubuntu Security and Server hardening – https://ubuntu.com/security

[23] How to Install RT 5. Robust, High Volume Ticketing System! Ubuntu 20.04 with MariaDB and Apache2!

This walk-through guides you through the process of Installing the world class, industry tested ticket system known as Request Tracker or RT. We start with a solid Ubuntu 20.04 base as the server combined with Perl, MariaDB for the Database and Apache2 as the web server.

To setup Request Tracker with email

—Install Guide Starts Here—

ssh to the Ubuntu server you have provisioned. Ubuntu 20.04 was used for this walkthrough.

ssh username@your_servers_ip

  1. Installing the some system base packages. 

1.1 Ensure the system is up to date. 

sudo apt-get update 

1.2 Install some system base packages 

sudo apt install build-essential apache2 libapache2-mod-fcgid libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libmysqlclient-dev libcrypt-ssleay-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl mariadb-server mariadb-client 

1.3 Installing some Perl modules

sudo /usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell

1.3.1 When prompted with the below, input yes then q to quit

1.3.2 Installing the required Perl modules

sudo cpan install HTML::FormatText HTML::TreeBuilder HTML::FormatText::WithLinks HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables DBD::mysql LWP::Protocol::https

2. General RT5 Installation

2.1 Download and unpack the RT5 tar file to a temporary location.

Check for the latest version here – https://download.bestpractical.com/pub/rt/release/

wget https://download.bestpractical.com/pub/rt/release/rt-5.0.1.tar.gz

2.2 Extract / unpack the file to /tmp and run the ./configure script provided.

tar xzvf rt-5.0.1.tar.gz -C /tmp

cd /tmp/rt-5.0.1/ 

sudo ./configure

2.3 Ensure the required Perl and system libraries are installed with the command below.

sudo make testdeps

2.2.1 If the script reports any missing dependencies as shown image Image-1 below run the fixdeps command.

sudo make fixdeps


2.2.3 During our demo install we were promoted with the following three questions as shown in Image-3 while running the fixdeps script. We opted to answer yes.


Once the fixdeps script is complete, validate all dependencies are present by running the testdeps script to confirm. If successful you should see similar out put as Image-3 below

sudo make testdeps


2.3 Run the make install with appropriate permissions to install RT5

sudo make install

3 Initialise the Database for RT5

sudo make initialize-database

It will prompt you for a password. just press return/enter key.

Note: Only if the initialization fails run make dropdb and then re-run make initialize-database.

Once completed successfully you should see same result as shown in Image-4


3.1.1 Change the default password for the RT database user. (We recommend for production systems to also change the user.)

sudo mysql -u root -p

It will prompt you for a password. just press return/enter key.

ALTER USER 'rt_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_new_rt_pass';



Although not covered in this guide, we recommend securing your MariaDB. Start with running the below script to setup up a min baseline.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

3.1.2 Update the RT_Config.pm config to reflect our password change we did for the RT database user rt_user.

sudo vi /opt/rt5/etc/RT_Config.pm 

Edit the section as shown in Image-6 below


3.2 Confirm we have a working RT instance running with the standalone rt-server.

sudo /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server --port 8080

3.2.1 Open your web browser and navigate to your servers ip or FQDN and port 8080. For our demo server it is You should see the login page.

4. Configure RT5 to work with the Apache2 web server 

4.1 Create a RT5 sites-available configuration file. 

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/rt5.conf

4.2 Populate the file you just created with the information below or pull it from: https://hendgrow.com/gitp/RT5/rt5.conf


4.3 Edit the apache2.conf file and add information as shown in apache2.conf or pull it from: https://hendgrow.com/gitp/RT5/RT5_apache2.conf_add.txt

sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


5. Enable the RT5 site 

5.1 Enable the RT5 site

sudo a2ensite rt5

5.2 Disable the default site 

sudo a2dissite 000-default 

5.3 Restart Apache 

sudo systemctl restart apache2 

5.4 Open your web browser and navigate to your servers ip or FQDN. For our demo server it is You should see the login page. You should see the login page as shown in Image-7.


NOTE: The default credentials for RT5 are: User: root | Password: password Your first step once logged in is to change the root password! It is a SECURITY risk! The next step should be to setup https for this site using letsencrypt for example.


Other Topics added from YouTube comments and support@hendgrow.com

How to remove the “Possible cross-site request forgery” RT message when creating tickets or making changes via the WUI etc.

Possible Cross-site request forgery message RT5

Edit the RT_SiteConfig.pm add an additional line to indicate your Webdomain either IP or FQDN.

Example below:

sudo vi /opt/rt5/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm 

Set( $WebDomain, 'your-servers-ip' );

Restart Apache

sudo systemctl restart apache2 

There still allot to do, like configuring an RT email gateway, task scheduler, full text search and general system security etc. That’s potentially for a future guide should there be demand. This guide does not cover server / application hardening and security as it is a broad topic and not the aim of this guide. You should always harden your servers by default! Some useful links:

Secure your MariaDB installation – https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mysql_secure_installation/

Apache2 Security Tips – https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/misc/security_tips.html

Ubuntu Security and Server hardening – https://ubuntu.com/security

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