Raspberry Pi with (OMV) openmediavault – How To-

(Including Apple Time Machine Support, Enabling Network Backups) 

Walk-through of how to install a NAS based on (OMV) openmediavault on a Raspberry Pi. Best features for us is the ability to create a SMB share that has Apple Time Machine support. This enables us to backup all our Mac machines 🖥 / 💻 using time machine to the network. No more usb drives.

Walk Through Guidehttps://hendgrow.com/ugs/RaspberryPi_OMV_WT.pdf


Walk-through of how to install a NAS based on (OMV) openmediavault on a Raspberry Pi. Best features for us is the ability to create a SMB share that has Apple Time Machine support. This enables us to backup all our Mac machines 🖥 / 💻 using time machine to the network. No more usb drives.


Raspbian: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/

Openmediavault: https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers


$ sudo raspi-config

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

$ wget https://github.com/OpenMediaVault-Plugin-Developers/installScript/raw/master/install

$ chmod +x install

$ sudo ./install