uniCenta oPOS is a Powerful commercial-grade open source Point of Sale system.
In this walk-through we will show you the steps to install a fully functional enterprise grade Point of Sale system. We personally have installed this system and its in use daily.
The guide or steps used in this tutorial can be found in the YouTube description section of the video guide.
Url’s used
Unicenta – https://sourceforge.net/projects/unicentaopos/
Java – https://www.java.com/en/download/win10.jsp
Visual C++ – https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056dcda9-d667-4e27-8001-8a0c6971d6b1/vcredist_x64.exe
MySQL – https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/installer/5.7.html
Once you have downloaded the software with the provided links. Install the software. During the walkthrough it was done in the following order.
Note: It is required to install “Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable x64” before starting the “ MySQL 5.7” install. The version of MySQL is important.
- Java
- Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable x64
- MySQL 5.7 (Server)
- Extracted unicentaopos-4.3.2_no_installer.zip
- One you have install the MySQL server and created a user, Open the MySQL command line utility and create the database “ unicentaopos”
# CREATE DATABASE unicentaopos;
- Extract the unicentaopos-4.3.2_no_installer.zip and run the “start.bat” file.
- Select the tab database and enter the detail of the database, username and password you created during the MySQL install.
- run “start.bat” this time it should prompt you to create the database as none is detected. Select yes.